Stella Scaramangos
Stella is a wife, mom of two and dog mom. Her mission is to bring us back to the basics of healthy and balanced nutrition through plant-based recipes that are (mostly) healthy and fun.
Graduate of the T. Colin Campbell eCornell Nutrition Studies program.
A Note From Stella
Hi, there! Welcome to The Whole Scoop blog – a home and community for dishing out the scoop regarding plant-forward nutrition and recipes so that we’re all more empowered to eat healthier.
Healthy living isn’t a diet or a trend or a fad. It’s about creating a livelihood that nourishes the body, soul and mind, starting with food. The role of nutrition in our day to day is completely underrated. The foods that we eat play a major role in how we feel, how we act, what we say, the types of relationships we make and the type of future we forge. When we don’t feel good, we tend to be less inspired to do good.
Ever have a weekend where you binge ate unhealthy foods and come Monday, you felt like a train-wreck? Food has the power to make us feel great … or make us feel lethargic and sluggish.
Healthy eating is a key factor in how we feel mentally and physically; thus, it’s important that we eat to nourish and not simply eat to eat.
While food should absolutely be enjoyable, it does have a dual purpose: give us fuel to do things. In today’s world of convenience, fast food, and supplements, it’s easy to put good nutrition to the side and opt for something that fills our hunger temporarily, but doesn’t fuel us for the long haul.
In my recipes, I’m using whole nutrient-dense foods to provide that biological fuel that we need (macro and micro nutrients) to do more, to do better, to do YOU. Whether you’re an omnivore, vegetarian or vegan, nutrition research clearly illustrates the massive benefits that are reaped from eating lots of whole plant foods.
Let me help inspire your journey to a healthier and more enjoyable YOU through fun and fresh recipes that are totally plant-based and designed to be enjoyed by the whole family.
Cheers to a healthier, happier, and stronger YOU.